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天生人语20111019 熊出没注意

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天生人语20111019 熊出没注意

本帖最后由 susie27 于 2011-10-19 08:50 编辑







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本帖最后由 susie27 于 2011-10-19 09:35 编辑


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abyssthinice 发表于 2011-10-19 12:26 static/image/common/back.gif



发表于 昨天 16:56


发表于 5 小时前

VOX POPULI: Its an age-old battle, but humans must coexist with nature
    For people who are not getting enough sleep, the image of "hibernation" must seem like a dream. "Tomin" (Hibernation) is also the title of an extremely taciturn poem by Shinpei Kusano (1903-1988). After all, it has no words. All that appears after the title is the symbol of a black circle.

     Some people may find it hard to accept it as a poem. But the way the title and the sign exquisitely reverberate is tasteful, and to my thinking, profound. Kusano is known as "the poet of frogs." Could the symbol represent the shape of a curled up frog as it sleeps or the darkness of the hole where it spends the winter? If it were a bear, and letting my imagination run riot, I think a gigantic black circle would be more suitable.

    But unlike frogs, it is not uncommon for bears to disturb the peace of human dwellings as they forage for food before going into hibernation. This fall, as I pondered the paucity of sightings of tsukinowaguma black bears in Honshu, I learned that higuma brown bears are appearing frequently in Hokkaido. Brown bears have been repeatedly sighted in Sapporo, and residents there are getting increasingly nervous.

     Experts offer a variety of explanations for this. Last year, acorns were abundant. Female bears that ate plenty of food tend to have a higher fertility rate the following spring. But this year, there were fewer acorns and cubs are hungry.

     Be it teddy bears or "Winnie the Pooh," in fairy tales, bears are portrayed as cuddly, lovable creatures. In reality, though, we cannot ask living creatures to stay within our dreams. Peace can be kept as long as human beings and bears do not have direct contact. But this is becoming increasingly difficult to adhere to with each passing year.

     I read that Charles Darwin (1809-1882) once made the presumption that bears will eventually evolve into an aquatic animal. If that happens, we would not run into each other--at least, in theory. Rather, humans should use their wisdom to seek a way to coexist with the quiet king of the forests.

--The Asahi Shimbun, Oct. 19
天生人语20111019 熊出没注意



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