热搜资源: 听力真题e标准日本语

天声人语 2012.1.10 陪审员是份苦差事

发表于 6 小时前

天声人语 2012.1.10 陪审员是份苦差事

     他们一定没有料到,当一名陪审员是如此的缺乏自由且压力重重。不管是不是上班族,面对这样一份苦差事,即便每天都有补贴,畏难却步也是可以理解的。候补的330名陪审员人选中不断有人退出 ,抽选正式陪审员后仅剩约1成。

发表于 6 小时前


发表于 5 小时前



发表于 5 小时前

其它没看只看了「纠弾」这个部分,  「纠弾する」不应翻成「提起诉讼」。这只是纠弹,和起诉有所不同。

纠弹:举发弹劾。 纠弹一词中文原本就有。 至于「弹劾」的解释,请查查词海之类大字典的解释,

发表于 4 小时前

本帖最后由 senryo 于 2012-1-10 15:46 编辑


发表于 3 小时前


发表于 2 小时前

VOX POPULI: Saitama murder trial will make for compelling 100 days
      "Okuizome," which literally means eating food for the first time, is a traditional Japanese custom for babies. The ceremony to carry the same food eaten by adults to a babys mouth is performed in hopes that the child will never experience hunger. Since it is usually observed 100 days after birth, it is also called the "100th day celebration." Depending on the childs development and the parents anxiety, the 100-day period may feel short or long.

      Court trials that last 100 days may also be short or long depending on the case. "A hundred-day trial" stipulated by the Public Offices Election Law is a rule to expedite court proceedings to ensure a ruling on election violations is handed down while an elected official is still new to office. In contrast, trials carried out under the citizen judge system usually end in several weeks.
      In the trial that started at the Saitama District Court on Jan. 10 concerning a series of suspicious deaths, the term for citizen judges was set at 100 days. The length is unprecedented. The six citizen judges and their substitutes will be required to go to the court some 50 times until a ruling is handed down in mid-April.
    The 37-year-old female defendant, charged with the murder of three men in the Tokyo metropolitan area, has not admitted that she killed anyone. There are numerous indirect pieces of evidence, such as testimony that she bought coal briquettes to make it look like the men took their own lives. That is possibly why there are a total of 63 witnesses. On the murder charge, it is likely the citizen judges, whose regular attendance is required, will be pressed to decide whether the defendant deserves the death sentence or acquittal.
      Many of the judge candidates must not have foreseen they would be subject to such heavy pressure. It is understandable that they would be reluctant to perform such a strenuous duty that cannot be compensated with daily allowances, regardless of whether they are employed or not. Of the 330 people selected as candidates for citizen judges, many excused themselves. As a result, only about 10 percent remained for the drawing of lots to appoint citizen judges.

      In any case, the trial will be a focus of attention. Prosecutors are set to accuse the defendant of "acts of evil," while the defendant and the defense team are expected to present a completely different story. How will the judges digest the opposing stories with their "lay peoples perception"? I intend to ponder this case as though I were one of them for the next 100 days.
--The Asahi Shimbun, Jan. 10

发表于 2 小时前


发表于 2 小时前

看How will the judges digest the opposing stories with their "lay peoples perception"? 这句显然我理解错了,但是"lay peoples perception"在这里作何解呢,如果有的话,「玄人の感覚」该是什么呢?

发表于 1 小时前

天声人语 2012.1.10 陪审员是份苦差事